Know Your Regulator

LENS has recently launched a new phase of Know your Regulatory Project, funded by Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society.  The project will focus on two important supervisory institutions in electronic communications, the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications, and the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data.


As part of the project, a public communication platform will be organized through which Lens intends to discuss the most important issues for all citizens associated with digitization and electronic communications.


Initially, we are collecting and breaking down the data on the role and work of these two institutions to bring the most interesting parts of the discussion to you. Follow this page to get acquainted with the activities where you can join.


This project aims to increase transparency and accountability for the work of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications (RAEPC) and the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data (NAPDP), two main authorities which impact the quality and security of electronic communications in Kosovo, thus having a direct impact on the lives of citizens and in ensuring free flow of information, it’s quality as well as in protection of citizens from privacy violations. The aim is to inform citizens about the role and function of these regulatory bodies and to empower them in order to increase public pressure in applying the highest  ethical standards in the work of public institutions in general and regulators in particular.